Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Fa La La La La La La La La

Overheard this song being sung by Clay.... "Deck the halls with bounds of folly! Fa la la la la la la....."  FOLLY: A lack of good sense, understanding, or foresight.
Whoever uses good sense at Christmas time?? We spend too much on gifts, we make too many goodies, we EAT way too many goodies, we overschedule ourselves for too many activities... isn't it all folly?

"The folly of one man is the fortune of another."-Francis Bacon

The world says that those who follow Christ have no sense, can't think for themselves, have no understanding of high thoughts and scientific authentication. To me, the folly of following Christ is more desirable than the ideas of the wisest of human leaders. Just as the Magi came from the east seeking to worship Him, this Christmas may the folly of my walk with God extend to those less fortunate than me... to those hurting far more than me... to those seeking the love of a Savior... it must be said that wise men still seek Him.

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