With a heart of thanksgiving, today I gratefully submit my gratitude to our veterans and the personnel currently serving in our armed forces. Along with them - I thankfully remember their loved ones who continue holding down the fort at home while they serve. Some in terrible conditions. So let us always remember that our freedom is not free - it is paid with the blood, sweat, and tears of our fathers, brothers, mothers, sisters, daughters, sons, friends, neighbors...
How much I love America! When we honor our armed forces at church and the little old men in the back of the sanctuary stand and salute our flag... when people are brought to their feet at the sound of our beloved nation's national anthem... those patriotic songs that leave a lump in your throat and pride in your heart... fireworks on our Independence Day!! I love this nation because I am still able to worship the One True God - the Living God - Jesus Christ!!
Good post.