Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Jumping off a bridge....

Early this morning before the chaos of the day began, Nolan snuggled up with Daddy and told us about his day yesterday.
"Mom, I jumped out of my swing yesterday."
"While it was in the air?"
"Yep!" he said with a grin.
"That's dangerous, son. You need to be careful doing that." Daddy replied.
"How high were you?" I asked.
Nolan held his hand about a foot off the bed, "That high."
"Who taught you how to do that?" I asked him.
"Isaiah," a boy in his kindergarten class.
"Well, if Isaiah jumped off a bridge, would you jump off one too?" I asked him and then immediately thought of my mother asking me the same thing....
He shook his head no. "We don't have a bridge at school."
Let's hope better judgment kicks in soon!!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


More than anything I want to live out a life of thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is more than a day. It's an attitude of the heart! This picture is from our very 1st family vacation. Chicago - 2009.  Scott and I have been married 20 years. We were so thankful and grateful for this vacation. I want the attitude of my heart to be the same... the same anticipation for the great times ahead, a go-with-the-flow spirit when things don't work out exactly as I want them to, cherishing each moment because it is brand new.... God gives me lots of brand new moments. Even in the "everyday" of my life. I just have to choose to see them that way. So as Thanksgiving quickly approaches - my prayer for you and me is that we will see in our everyday lives those moments that we need to cherish. Those people that God has placed in our lives - to be thankful for - even if they drive us nutty on occasion! That cracked and faded Bible - God's personal love letter and guide to living - is always available in our country of freedoms. An attitude of thanksliving is my goal... and I'm starting right now. Praise the LORD. Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good; His love endures forever. Psalm 106:1

Saturday, November 21, 2009


Proud to say that my alma mater and my daughter's current high school football team is in the semi-finals for the state championship. Pretty cool! Thursday night Clay comes running into the living room, "Mom! We've got to get to pepper alley! It starts at 7:00!" He meant the pep rally. It was too funny to correct!

After the game last night Clay wanted to be a game show host so Scott and I were the "components". :D
"Questions 1 - Who was the president of the united states during the civil war?
C)George Washington
C)Thomas Jefferson or
B)Barrack Obama?

Scott answered George Washington and got 100 points. Every answer I got right I was given 99 points. There's something wrong with this scoring to say the least!!

This morning Scott talked to his parents. He and his brother are going to shoot skeet and wanted their dad to go. He doesn't have a shotgun but does have a .22 pistol. Scott said "Dad, if you can hit a skeet with a .22 - that's a pretty amazing shot." His mom piped up and said "He can't hit the driveway with a car. That would be amazing." My funny bone has been tickled since then!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

That old baggage

Lord, that old baggage keeps showing up. Every time I think I have given you that trunk full of anger, disappointment and insecurity - I turn around and I am trying to carry it again. It's too heavy for me. I can't be who You want me to be AND carry that around. So, once again Lord, I am leaving that albatross at Your feet. Remind me when I glance back at it that You have it. That I don't need to carry it. Remind me that these things that I struggle with have been nailed to the cross along with those situations that hurt me or my family beyond words... help me to remember that You are working all things for our good and to trust You... "Oh praise the One who paid my debt and raised this life up from the dead." It's the anthem of my heart God. In the name of Jesus. AMEN

Sunday, November 15, 2009


How long will this take?
How much can I go through?
My heart, my soul aches
I don't know what to do
I bend but don't break
And somehow I'll get through
'cause I have You
And if I have to crawl
Will You crawl too
I stumble and I fall
Carry me through
The wonder of it all
Is You
See me through
Oh Lord, where are You?
Do not forget me here
I cry in silence
Can You not see my tears?
When all have left me
And hope has disappeared
You find me here
And when I have to crawl
Will You crawl too
I stumble and I fall
Carry me through
The wonder of it all
Is You
See me through
When everything I was is lost
I have forgot where You have not
When I am lost You have not lost me
You have not lost me
And if I have to crawl
Will You crawl too
I stumble and I fall
Carry me through
The wonder of it all
Is You
See me through
CRAWL (Carry me through) by Superchick
For my daughter who is going through those life lessons that no one likes, for my sister Shannon who struggles daily with complications from MS, for anyone who is just dealing with the things God is allowing us to go through - He'll never leave us nor forsake us. Hang in there. <3

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Bad Momma

Yes - I'm one of those moms. I just dropped Mallory off to go spend the night in a barn with some friends.
A barn. In the country. In the dark.

A barn which I cannot tell you how to get to. Every bit of my fears say "Nope. You don't need to go. Let some other mom send their daughter to a dark and creepy barn to sleep in for the night with all the barn bugs, barn mice, barn snakes, and other barn-type critters. Not you."
But my heart says - "Let her go. It's just a barn."
"I don't want her to go. What if she gets hurt? Or scared? She doesn't even like to walk to her car in the dark from our front door with the porch light on!!"
"She needs this - she needs you to trust her and trust her choice of friends. She needs to go and experience that independence and to learn to make smart choices."
If you are wondering - yes - this is the script that went on in my head when Mal asked me if she could go a few days ago. So, I have just dropped her off. And what did I drop her off to? A bunch of dancing, giggly, laughing, hyper teenage girls with sleeping bags and energy to burn. I did ask all the important questions:
"Will there be boys there?"
"No." Kayla says with a smile.
Mallory is giving me that look like, I told you so mom.
"Will there be any drugs?"
"No ma'am."
"Will there be any alcohol?"
"No. But there will be pop?"
Okay - do I really sound that strict that I don't allow my daughter to drink pop??
So I said, "Well, if there is going to be pop - she can't go."
Kayla stopped and looked at me, trying to figure out if I was serious.
I started to laugh. "I'm just kidding."
She began to laugh too. They are taking a CD player and all the CD's of the Jonas Brothers. After I found that out I knew for sure there wouldn't be any boys there! What self-respecting boy would say out loud that he is a JoBro fan??
So, if asking a bunch of nosey questions makes me a bad momma - then I'm a bad one. But I'm a momma who loves her kids... I gave Mal the drill if there was something that she was even remotely uncomfortable with - to call me - and I will come get her. And I will... it's actually finding that barn that will be the problem.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Do They Get Those From The Graveyard??

This morning Nolan woke up with Rib Crib on his mind. No telling what he was dreaming. He went and crawled in bed next to Dad to snuggle for just a minute. Then he asked Scott "Dad, do you like RibCrib?"
Of course he does - is it meat?? "Yep. Why?"
"Do they get those from the graveyard?"
"What - the ribs?"
"What??! No! We don't eat human ribs son! It's ribs from cows or pigs. Not people."
"Oh, okay." At this point Scott hollered at me and told me he had a post for my blog! LOL Poor baby - thought they were serving human ribs at RibCrib - and not even fresh ones at that ... blech. :-/

I am thankful today for modern medicine. Since turning the big 4-0 this year I had my first mammogram. Got the results in today - it's all good. Thank you Lord. Zoie's paws are on the mend - another round of antibiotics and she will be even better. (Merry Christmas Zo - that's all you get!) Third annual cookie swap is tomorrow. Ordered a few Christmas presents today. Even when it doesn't seem like it - God still provides. Love to you all. :-)

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

With A Heart Of Thanksgiving...

"The cost of freedom is always high, but Americans have always paid it. And one path we shall never choose, and that is the path of surrender, or submission." --John F. Kennedy

With a heart of thanksgiving, today I gratefully submit my gratitude to our veterans and the personnel currently serving in our armed forces. Along with them - I thankfully remember their loved ones who continue holding down the fort at home while they serve. Some in terrible conditions. So let us always remember that our freedom is not free - it is paid with the blood, sweat, and tears of our fathers, brothers, mothers, sisters, daughters, sons, friends, neighbors...

How much I love America! When we honor our armed forces at church and the little old men in the back of the sanctuary stand and salute our flag... when people are brought to their feet at the sound of our beloved nation's national anthem... those patriotic songs that leave a lump in your throat and pride in your heart... fireworks on our Independence Day!! I love this nation because I am still able to worship the One True God - the Living God - Jesus Christ!!

Sunday, November 8, 2009


I took my niece Abby and my boys to Walmart. Clay won 2nd place at the football game for his Halloween costume last week... Indiana Jones. What did he win? A $20 visa card! He was pretty stoked to spend it! He knew exactly what he wanted too - a Lego Camper - complete with surfboard! We finally made it to the Lego section and much to his dismay - they were out of the camper. So we settled on space police K-9 and tow truck. I can't let Clay get something and not get anything for the other two. Abby settled on a "flute" and Nolan got a GI Joe action figure that he currently cannot find (that's another blog...). After making our purchases we headed back out to the van. As Abby buckled herself in, I asked her if I could see her flute. Nolan informed me that it was called a recorder, not a flute. Thank you Mr. Information...

I took the flute/recorder and placed my fingers on all the holes and blew gently. I didn't have six years of clarinet for nothing! It wasn't exactly in tune but hey - I still got it! But it left quickly. haha ... After hearing my little scale Clay started to clap and said "Mom! Bravissimo!"
"Bravissimo??" I said with a chuckle.
"Yeah, it means good job!" he replied with a smile.
"That was sweet - thanks! Okay - let's go!"
I climbed into the van while Nolan was asking Abby to play the flute/recorder. She told him just a minute and played a little tune/note herself. To which Nolan shouted: "Rub-O! Rub-O!" as he clapped. I got so tickled. Clay looked at me with a knowing grin - "I think he means bravo," he whispered. I winked at him and it was our little secret. So the rest of the ride home, the van was filled with one note whistles with clapping and shouting. "Rub-O! Rub-O!" You just gotta love it!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

God's Supply

"Blessed are those whose strength is in You,
who have set their hearts on pilgrimage.
As they pass through the Valley of Baca
they make it a place of springs;
the autumn rains also cover it with pools.
they go from strength to strength,
till each appears before God in Zion...
O Lord Almighty,
blessed is the man who trusts in You."
Psalm 84:5-7,12

The word baca means tears or weeping. Though the Valley of Baca was an actual location in Palestine, the imagery the psalmist used in this sojourner's song is unmistakable. When life gets hard or we simply feel "worn to a frazzle," as my grandmother would say, it's time to take a deep breath and remind ourselves this place is not our home. We're just passing through on our way to a heavely Kingdom. We are pilgrims here. The supply of "strength to strength" implies the demand. In other words, as long as we're here, we're going to need it. And as long as we need it, God's going to supply it.--FEATHERS FROM MY NEST by Beth Moore

Yesterday wasn't such a good day. But I am so, so blessed. Instead of going to church - I had to get the grocery shopping done because I had plans to clean out the boys' bedroom today. Once I leave the house during the day, it seems my whole day disappears so I was determined to get the shopping done last night. I was so discouraged because of the way the house looked. Why bother cleaning it when no one else helps to pick it back up? How can I expect the boys to keep their room picked up when the mess that's created from too much stuff is just overwhelming them - kind of like my house does me! Scott - recognizing a cry for help - stayed home from church and got the house all picked up. He wanted to make sure that I could have a head start on the next day. Wow. He didn't have to do that. But he did. Cause he loves me... how thankful I am for him. Love love love him. Blessed am I!!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Even this??

It's been a down day. Woke up weepy for some reason. Probably because the dog wouldn't let me sleep much. Clay was up with a monstrous bloody nose. Forgot that I hadn't washed towels for the next day. Washing towels in the middle of the night. Perhaps I'm just getting too old to keep those kind of hours! How do I give thanks in all things? "Be cheerful no matter what; pray all the time; thank God no matter what happens. This is the way God wants you who belong to Christ Jesus to live." (I Thessalonians 5:16-18) Okay Lord - does it still count even if I give thanks in all things begrudgingly? Probably not.....

I have started 30 Days of Thanksgiving and I needed to sit down today and really be thankful. It was hard at first because I just felt like I didn't have the energy to be thankful. I would rather lay on the couch and pout about what a rotten day it was. But this is not God's will for me. So I chose to be thankful - even when I didn't feel thankful. And you know what - I AM thankful. The more things I thought of - the more I realized how much I have to be thankful for. And so grateful to family and friends that love me - despite my shortcomings. And to a gracious God who is long-suffering and slow to anger ... thank You. For everything.

Monday, November 2, 2009

The One With The Faux-Hawk

My boys don't like blaring music. I'm assuming this will change because Mallory doesn't seem to have a problem with it... most teenagers don't. (Hey, I was once one of those too!) Tonight at church we had a gospel quartet. This was actually a younger group that sang some really good stuff. But - their speakers were turned to the max and you know, they want to showcase their talent so every song was a major event. Nolie and I are sitting on the third row. On one of their particularly peppy songs I look down at Nolan and see that he is folding his earlobes up and over the opening of his ear because the music is loud. I reached over and encouraged him to place his hands in his lap. His response to this was to slump down in the pew - grab his ankles - and proceed to try and cover his ears with his Ben10 shoe-covered feet. What a sight. I glance up to the stage and notice that one of the singers was becoming tickled at Nolan's antics. I mouthed the words, "Sorry" but at that point we both began to laugh. Good grief.

Well, Nolan finally adjusted to the music. And it was good. Quartet members usually dress alike or dress up. This group dressed up in suits. Nolan keeps trying to tell me something:
"Mom, you see that guy in the black suit?"
"Which one, honey? They are all wearing black suits."
"That one."
"The one singing?"
"No, the one holding the microphone like this," holding his hand in an open fist in front of his mouth. :-)
"Babe, they are all holding microphones." I smiled.
At this point, he is getting frustrated. Number one, he is having to whisper and number two, I can't seem to understand which member of the group he is talking about. So I lean a little bit closer.
"Which singer are you talking about? The one in the bright pink shirt?"
"No! The one with the faux-hawk."
Big word for my five year old.. Does he really know what a faux-hawk is?
"The one in the striped-shirt?" I ask because he is the only one in the group with a faux-hawk.
With a heavy sigh, Nolan closes one eye, brings his hand close to his face and points with his index finger speckled with green marker. "That one!"
It's becoming comical now. "The one playing the piano?"
The music gets soft and just before the audience begins to applaud - finger still pointing - in the quiet Nolan loudly says "Right there!"
I quickly reach over and put his hand back down. "Shhhhh. Okay - what about him?"
"Did he just say that Jesus was white as snow?" he asked - one eyebrow up and one corner of his mouth turned up.
I had to smile.
"Just listen to the music." I whispered.
"Okay." leaning his head against my shoulder.
I'm not even sure what song that came from. But it's nice to know he was somewhat paying attention. Covered ears and all. I'm excited for that time when Nolan knows what white as snow is all about. <3