Monday, May 10, 2010

Living in a Bubble

If nothing ever changed, there'd be no butterflies~Author Unknown

Those who expect moments of change to be comfortable and free of conflict have not learned their history.  ~Joan Wallach Scott'
If you want to make enemies, try to change something.  ~Woodrow Wilson
Just when I think I have learned the way to live, life changes. ~Hugh Prather
We change, whether we like it or not. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

It's hard to admit - I like living in a bubble. Lots of people in my life know my truth - I don't like surprises. Don't throw me a surprise party - hate 'em. I want things to be the same. I like control - well, truth is - I like to have things under my control. When someone messes with my schedule, my routine, my life - it bursts my bubble. Then I'm not happy. You know the saying, "If Momma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy." That's pretty much the way it is around here. I told you it was hard to admit. And it ain't pretty. Oh, how I wish I could be one of those people that "roll with the punches" (whatever that means), or "fly by the seat of my pants" (where did that even come from?). I'm not as bad as "we've never done it that way before!" but I like things simple - my way. :-)

I've got to learn this life lesson. I know I do. I just don't want to. But it's a daily occurrence whether I like it or not. Look at the local store I shop at... just the time I figure out where everything is, they go and change it up again! Or how about a newborn baby? Just about the time what you are doing (bouncing, patting, rocking, swaying) is working - they decide they don't like it anymore. I can remember one particular long night when Mallory was a newborn - she could not go to sleep. I remembered a "trick" I had seen on TV. A mother warmed up a thick towel in the dryer - folded it and placed it on top of the dryer. While the dryer was running, she layed her fussy baby on top of the warm towel. It comforted the baby and it went right to sleep. Well, why not give it a try? I did and it worked! It was like I had hit the jackpot! But you know what? It only worked that one time!! Never once worked again.

So I'm beginning to see that a constant in my life will always be change. Dadgumit. Prime example - my kids. My joy Mallory, who at one time I held in the crook of my arm - is readying herself to be 18, a senior in high school and scoping out scholarships and colleges. My sweet Clay  - turning ten years old tomorrow. Wow - that decade went fast! My funny Nolan - finishing up kindergarten. My little chunky-monkey is writing, playing ball, riding his bike. My marriage - thank God I am not the same wife that I was when we first got married. I like myself a lot better at 41 than I did at 20... 

So I have three constants in my life. That I know for fact. Change, choice, and Christ. Change will always come. Where I put my focus is my choice. But Christ is always the same. I need to know that in these uncertain times. In the chaos of life. I choose Christ. 

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. ~Hebrews 13:8


  1. Carla!
    So good to hear from you! Things have been crazy around here with the end of school year stuff but things are getting better. :-) Hope all is well in your neck of the woods!
