So I missed the first couple of days because of a s-l-o-w computer, but better late than never! I am so thankful and grateful for all that God has blessed me with and I acknowledge that everything I have comes from Him!
Day 1: I am thankful for my family in general. Because of them I have joy and happiness and love!
Day 2: I love my husband! I am thankful that he is a godly man who strives to do and be what God has called him to be. He does whatever is necessary for us and always provides for us!
Day 3: I am thankful for Mallory! She's still my little baby girl even though she just turned 18. What a joy she is to me and I am excited to see the special plans that God has in store for her!
Day 4: Today I am thankful that my singing and speaking gig went okay. I did manage to squeak out some coherent words and my food stayed down... NOTE TO SELF: stay away from the luncheon food if expected to sing after said luncheon.
Day 4: It's my blog. I can have as many day four's as I wish... Today, I am also thankful for Clay! Slowly but surely I think he might be maturing if only a little bit. He is so very creative and loves to give me drawings that he did at school. I am praying that God will continue to grow him up and help him to use all of that creative genius that God gave him!
Day 5: I'm thankful for Nolan! God sent him into our family to be the comic relief that we sometimes need! He's loving and kind and growing so much each day. I know that God has great plans in store for him and I am excited to be a part of it!
Day 5: I am thankful for my sister Shannon. I'm not sure I felt that way when mom and dad wagged her home from the hospital when I was 6 1/2... but I am now! She's very smart and funny and even though she's been dealt some not-so-great cards, I know that God is using her and her life to affect and help so many people. She loves her family and is supportive of all of us - even on our really bad days - which are nothing compared to some of hers. She's family - I have to say she's my sister. But I am blessed to call her my friend.
Day 6: It's actually Day 12. I am way behind but I have lots to be thankful for!..... My dad had surgery earlier this week and things look really good.
Day 7: My sister Shannon was hospitalized with an MS flare up but she is getting better - slowly but surely.
Day 8: My husband asked for a raise and got it.
Day 9: My nephew Caleb asked Jesus to be his Lord and Savior at our revival this week.
Day 10: My sister Stacey is on the last leg of nursing school! She graduates next May and I am so proud of her!
Day 11: I am so thankful to be feeling better.
Day 12: I am a little all-over-the-map with my thankfulness. It's not nice and organized - it's kind of random. But then again, so am I. :-) Today I am thankful for the gift of laughter. My kids make me laugh - and we laugh easily most of the time.
Day 13: I'm going to be really busy tomorrow so I am being thankful early... I am thankful for cooler weather! We have had two days of cold rain - the leaves are falling down-down-down off the trees. Winter will be here soon!
Day 14: I am truly thankful that God has set me free. I have struggled with fear most of my life. The first six to eight months of this year were no exception. But through LOTS of prayer, being in God's Word and finally realizing that I am already free - I choose to have the faith to walk in His freedom. When I feel that fear is trying to choke the life out of me again - I place it under the authority of Christ in my life and trade it for His peace.