The sun is shining. There is a light breeze. The makings of fall are right around the corner!
Family breakfast at the table. Working together to clean the mess.
My doctor's appointment on Monday.
My mom's recent surgery.
Mallory's senior portraits.
Finances for Christmas.
By David Jeremiah
Hope is found in the valley of trouble (In the book of Joshua, the Valley of Acor = the valley of trouble). God allows trouble in our lives so we will seek Him for our help. What do you do when you have the sense that your hope has begun to fade? Decide to take action. The enemy of your soul wants to give you the impression that where you are right now - in your current state of mind - is where you will remain. That there's nothing you can do about it. That is a lie. You don't have to be where you are if you don't want to be. Determine to get to the core of the problem. Don't rationalize what you find. Don't make it worse than it is but own up to it. Deal with the problem honestly before God. Lay it out before the Lord. Destroy the barrier that is keeping you from the hope and blessing of God. Evil behavior takes away our hope as believers. Sin separates us from God. Hosea 2:15 says "There I will give her back her vineyards, and I will make the Valley of Trouble a door of hope" Every time a Christian goes through a valley of trouble there is always a door of hope. Satan will tell you that this is a valley with no exit. When you are in the valley of trouble you have no confidence in your ability to serve God.
God will meet you at the door of hope.
Chili tonight!
I think I will make something sweet today but what?
Cinnamon rolls? Maybe...
Love to you! <3